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  • News article
  • 4 April 2023
  • 1 min read

Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking: 2023 Work Programme and Info day

Global Health EDCTP3 has published its 2023 Work Programme with over €130 million in funding opportunities to support research into infectious diseases.

Infectious diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunedeficiency syndrome (HIV), malaria, tuberculosis (TB), neglected and emerging infectious diseases remain a major cause of death and ill health in sub-Saharan Africa.

This funding will be used to support research projects that will:

  • Improve modes of delivery, deployment and uptake of vaccines against infectious diseases
  • Develop and increase access to cost-effective interventions to prevent and treat infectious diseases in pregnant women, newborns and children
  • Advance knowledge on Ebola virus disease, in particular Sudan virus disease, with the aim of contributing to an efficient patient management and public health response
  • Strengthen ethics and regulatory capacity in SSA countries to improve the functionality, recognition and performance of ethics committees and regulatory agencies
  • Advance point-of-care diagnostics for infectious diseases to the market

On 12 April, Global Health EDCTP3 will host an Info day to provide potential applicants with specific information on the calls for proposals under Work Programme 2023, as well as information on eligibility criteria and other relevant administrative matters.

Global Health EDCTP3 invites African and European researchers and innovators as well as citizens and all interested stakeholders to take part in the Info Day.


Launched in 2003, the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) exists to accelerate the clinical development of new or improved medicinal products for the identification, treatment and prevention of poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases, including (re-)emerging diseases. In addition, the EDCTP funds activities for research capacity building in Africa, supporting researchers’ careers and strengthening national health research systems.

The third EDCTP programme, Global Health EDCTP3 (2021-2031), was launched as a Joint Undertaking under the EU’s Horizon Europe programme and builds on the previous programmes. It has a €1.6 billion budget (of which €800M comes from the EU).

To celebrate 20 years of the programme, from 7 – 10 November 2023, the Eleventh EDCTP Forum will take place in Paris (France). The Forum is hosted by the government of France – one of the founding European EDCTP Association member states – through the French Research Agency ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases. The Forum will bring together European, African and other global initiatives, researchers, policy makers and other global public and private sector stakeholders in the field of infectious diseases.

More information

Global Health EDCTP3 – Info day 23 March 2023
Global Health EDCTP3 – Info day 12 April 2023
Eleventh EDCTP Forum


Publication date
4 April 2023