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  • News article
  • 30 April 2024
  • 2 min read

Global Health EDCTP3 mobilises emergency funding to tackle the ongoing Mpox outbreak

In the light of rising numbers of cases being reported in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the high public health risk, Global Health EDCTP3 is activating its emergency funding mechanism. 

With a budget of € 6.5 million, the emergency call for proposals will support research and innovation projects that will advance our understanding of the ongoing Mpox epidemic in the DRC, contribute to the development of preventive and management strategies and support an efficient public health response.

The funding will support projects working on: 

  • Vaccine research and development
  • Therapeutic research and development
  • Surveillance strategies, rapid diagnostics and epidemiological studies

Global Health EDCTP3 has launched this action as the Ministry of Health of DRC assessed the situation and considered the ongoing outbreak as a public health emergency which requires a rapid and efficacious response.

Global Health EDCTP3 is using all means at its disposal in order to enable research work to start as soon as possible. The call for proposals will open on 14 May for a limited time (closure expected on 29 May), and signature of the resulting projects will be prioritised for their work to start immediately after. Grants will be subject to certain clauses, including rapid data-sharing, to ensure that authorities can apply research findings immediately in their response.


Background information

The Global Health EDCTP3 Work Programme 2024 foresees funding to be mobilised in case of a Public Health Emergency (PHE). This mechanism allows rapid mobilisation of research funding in exceptional and duly substantiated emergencies. The total budget of this call for proposals is currently of €6.5 million, which includes a contribution of €500.000 from ANRS Maladies infectieuses émergentes (MIE) and a €1 million cash contribution from the EDCTP Association.  The total budget for this call may potentially attract additional funding from interested contributing partners. 

At the High-Level Emergency Regional meeting convened on 13 April 2024, the Ministry of Health of DRC assessed the situation and considered the ongoing outbreak as a public health emergency, following which twelve Ministers of Health and other international partners called for a coordinated response to the outbreak, including through accelerating research and regulatory processes to enable access to vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics. 

All Global Health EDCTP3 calls for proposals are published on the European Commission’s Funding and Tender opportunities portal, where applications must be submitted. This call for proposals can be found here.


This text has been updated on 24 May 2024 to include the EDCTP Association cash contribution.

This text has been updated on 7 May 2024 to include the contribution of ANRS Maladies infectieuses émergentes.


Publication date
30 April 2024