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  • News article
  • 30 June 2023
  • 1 min read

Open call for expressions of interest for the Stakeholders Group

Global Health EDCTP3 has launched a new call for members of its Stakeholders Group. The governance of Global Health EDCTP3 is led by a Governing Board which is advised by a Scientific Committee and a Stakeholders Group.

The first call for expression of interest for the selection of the members of the Stakeholders Group was launched in 2022 and 10 members were appointed. In order to broaden the expertise of the group, a new call for expression of interest has been launched with a deadline for application on 11 June 2023.

The Stakeholders Group is open to all public and private stakeholders, including organised groups, active in the field of Global Health EDCTP3, international interest groups from the Member States, associated countries and other countries.

Candidate members of the Stakeholders Group should represent a stakeholder and have expertise and/or work in one of the following areas:

  • Patient organizations
  • Civil society in global health, in particular as regards infectious diseases in subSaharan Africa
  • Professional international and regional organizations active in the areas of global health, especially infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Local or regional government representatives providing health services in subSaharan Africa and addressing infectious diseases
  • Social entrepreneurs and product development partnerships developing solutions for issues in global health, especially infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Businesses/industry/SMEs including eHealth and data scientists working in the area of global health, especially infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Research institutions addressing infectious diseases affecting sub-Saharan Africa
  • Other funders of Global Health research with a focus on low and middle income countries

The final Stakeholders Group will have a balanced representation of stakeholders from a geographic, thematic and gender perspective, including in particular African expertise.

More information

2nd call for expressions of interest for the Stakeholders Group


Publication date
30 June 2023